Logo Quiz Game Answers

Logos Quiz Level 3-17 Answers

This is the answer for level 3-17 of Logos Quiz. Your answers may be in a different order, so use the navigation if your question does not match up. The hint for this level is Emblem and stars on a blue roundel.

Logos Quiz Level 3-17 Answers

Answer: FBI

About the FBI

The FBI, or Federal Bureau of Investigation, is a government agency. The FBI primarily does investigative work. They are also an intelligence agency. The FBI is the main unit for counterterrorism and counterintelligence work in the country. The FBI is also responsible for crimes committed on Native American reservations that have sovereign rights. THE FBI was created in 1908 under the name Bureau of Investigation. Much of the FBI’s early work was to support the ‘White Slavery Act’ or the Mann Act of 1910. In 1924, John Edgar Hoover became the director of the FBI. He is largely credited with making the FBI into what it is today. Hoover created a scientific lab to standardize and professionalize the investigations undertaken by the FBI. Hoover was also responsible for the War on Crime in the 1930s, targeting and apprehending people like John Dillinger. They also made an effort to curtail the activities of the Ku Klux Klan and bootleggers. During WWII, the FBI was responsible for creating the list of people who would be detained in internment camps. The people detained were primarily Japanese Americans, although some German and Italian individuals were also interned.

The FBI also investigated and attempted to shut down many of the Civil Rights leaders in the 1950s and 1960s. They sent at least one letter to MLK, Jr. advocating that he commit suicide. In 1999, MLK’s wife, Coretta Scott King sued the government, claiming their at least partial responsibility for the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the coverup thereof. The suit did conclude that there was a conspiracy to kill and cover up the death of MLK, but did not go further than that. The FBI was also responsible for investigating the September 11th attacks and other terrorism in the United States.