Logo Quiz Game Answers

Logos Quiz Level 4-41 Answers

This is the answer for level 4-41 of Logos Quiz. Your answers may be in a different order, so use the navigation if your question does not match up. The hint for this level is Three pointed star in red.

Logos Quiz Level 4-41 Answers

Answer: Atomic
Atomic is a ski apparel company founded in Alternmarkt, Austria in 1955 by Alois Rohrmoser. Atomic is the most popular brand of skis in the world, and used by casual skiers as well as Olympic athletes. The company began designing and manufacturing skis in the mid-50s, and has since expanded to producing boots, bindings, helmets, poles, and protectors. Some of the innovations Atomic has produced in skis include the Hy-Vitronic construction and the Bionic System, which enhance performance. With these advances in ski technology, Atomic has created Redster, touted as the fastest race equipment in the world, Hawx, the most popular medium fit boot in the world, and Bent Chetler, a type of free ski meant to move across powder. Famous skiers who have been sponsored by Atomic include Annemarie Moser-Proll, Marc- Giradelli, and Marcel Hirscher, among many others. Atomic produces about 600,000 skis per year, as well as other products, but in the early 1990s the company fell on hard economic times when their merger with another company hamstrung their sales. Following a failed entry into the snowboarding market, the company filed for insolvency, but has since been merged with Amer Sports and kept in business.