Logo Quiz Game Answers

Logos Quiz Level 5-2 Answers

This is the answer for level 5-2 of Logos Quiz. Your answers may be in a different order, so use the navigation if your question does not match up. The hint for this level is Three parallel circles colored green, yellow and pink.

Logos Quiz Level 5-2 Answers

Answer: Garnier


Garnier is a cosmetic brand of skin care and hair care products. It started on its own in 1904 as Laboratories Garnier, and was later bought up by L’Oreal in the seventies. They are considered in most Asian countries to be a high end luxury beauty product. Whether it actually makes you more beautiful is beside the point. Garnier is simply a more trusted brand, and since their take-over by L’Oreal they have the money to branch out and advertise widely. In 2011, Garnier actually did do something worthwhile for the first time in their history. After partnering with TerraCycle, a recycling company in New Jersey, they began to promote up cycling and using biodegradable products. Upcycling is the practice of reusing products in order to minimize waste. This is an important maneuver because beauty products and personal care make up about a third of all the waste in landfills. Not only are they reusing their containers, as of 2011 they have been developing biodegradable shampoo and containers that will not poorly affect the earth when thrown out or after going down the drain.