Logo Quiz Game Answers

Logos Quiz Level 6 Answers

Logos Quiz answers and cheats for level 6 of the popular game for iPhone by developer AticoD Entertainment S.L.. Having trouble beating level 6 of this challenging game, like Fanta? This page has all the Logos Quiz answers and cheats to help you beat the game.

Logos Quiz Level 6 Answers

An orange

Tennis player holding a racket on a blue background

Letters R and e inside a hexagon in blue

Burning flame in red

Letter W in blue and sunrays

Letters B and V in black

White pelican on a blue background

Circles of various colors forming a globe

Letter A stylized in green and red

Letter T stylized in blue

Six pointed white star inside on a black roundel

Letter L stylized in black

White star with a red letter T on a red roundel

Letters H, E and T stylized in white on an orange background

Red banner with a gold trumpet on top and three gold coins at the bottom

Blue ball-shaped symbol

Two black lines crossing

Letters Z and R stylized in black

Big stylized letter c on top with the letters C and E below

Three black keys

Gold crown

Letters D and r stylized in black

Head of an eagle on a blue background

Letters R and A stylized in black

Letter T in blue on a red-rimmed white background

Blue Mickey mouse head on a yellow background

Orange/red thunder flash with a banner on top

Red swan on a red-rimmed white roundel

Letters S and U stylized in white on a green and blue roundel

Curved lines in brown, blue and yellow colors

Letter C and a line in white on a red roundel

Letter m stylized in white on a purple background

Head of Medusa

Letter D stylized in white on an orange background

Letters H, a and a smile stylized in white on a tilted aqua green square

Letter r in white on top of the letter p in black

Four blue rectangles in parallel with the stylized letter K in white

Red dialogue box

Silver-rimmed red label with an conjoined inverted E and B in black on top

MAN inscribed in silver below a silver-rimmed semi-circle

Yellow horseshoe on a red oval with a blue banner on top

A green leaf, one blue drop and a yellow drop slightly overlapping each other

Blue man standing on an orange roundel

Two letters Ss together stylized in black

Globe with a ring and an aircrafts tail in blue

One rhombus enclosed by another in blue

Whirlpool in blue

Grey square, a dot and the letter B in black

Arabic written in gold with Airways underneath

Curvature of a globe with a red line on a blue background

Green pentagonal shape with a yellow triangle on one side

White lines making an enclosed S on a blue roundel

Letters H and R stylized in silver-grey

Blue wings

Red/white gold-rimmed roundel with BIER inscribed inside

Tilted oval shape with orange, red and blue colors

Figure of chariot, horse and man

Chinese text in blue and black

Figure of a roman soldier wearing a galea

Figure of a bird on a black background

Two letter Ss and and an o stylized in red

Figure of a Viking ship on a silver-rimmed blue oval

Letters G and E stylized in white on blue roundel

Letter A stylized in white on a black background

Red/silver arrowhead pointing south

Aqua green colored oil drop

Letters P and e stylized in red

Letter b stylized in black

Letter S enclosed in a laurel wreath in blue

Red arch held up two silver-grey pillars

Green and yellow label

White stars on a green background

A ball and two curled lines in white on a red background

Letters c and h in silver-grey

Letters A and two cs stylized in white on a red background

Letter F stylized in white inside a blue square